Delving into Lidar Cloud Point 3D Visualization in Python

Lakshitha Vimuth
2 min readNov 19, 2023



Lidar, an acronym for Light Detection and Ranging, is a technology that utilizes laser beams to measure distances and generate 3D point clouds. These point clouds, composed of millions of points representing the environment, are crucial in various applications, including autonomous vehicles, robotics, and mapping. Visualizing these point clouds in 3D is essential for understanding the surrounding environment and making informed decisions.

This article will guide you through the process of visualizing lidar cloud point data in Python using two powerful libraries: Laspy and Open3D. Laspy provides tools for reading, modifying, and creating LAS LiDAR files, while Open3D offers sophisticated 3D visualization capabilities.


Before embarking on this journey, ensure you have Python installed and the following libraries:

  1. Laspy: Install using pip: pip install laspy
  2. Open3D: Install using pip: pip install open3d

Importing Libraries and Reading LiDAR Data

  1. Import Necessary Libraries:
import numpy as np
import laspy
import open3d as o3d

2. Read LiDAR Data:

las ='las_data/points1.las')

Exploring LiDAR Data

  • Available Features:
  • Classification Types:

Creating Point Cloud Data


point_data = np.stack([las.X, las.Y, las.Z], axis=0).transpose((1, 0))

3D Point Cloud Visualization

  • Create Point Cloud Geometry:
geom = o3d.geometry.PointCloud()
geom.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(point_data)
  • Visualize Point Cloud:

This code snippet will generate a 3D visualization of the lidar point cloud data, allowing you to interactively explore the environment.


This article has provided a hands-on introduction to visualizing lidar cloud point data in Python using Laspy and Open3D. By following the steps outlined, you can effectively visualize and analyze lidar data, gaining valuable insights into the surrounding environment.



Lakshitha Vimuth

Bio-Medical Research Engineer | Emerging AI and ML Specialist | Passionate in Python & Image Processing | Aspiring Data Scientist